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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (antorico2): 1/5/2016 11:28:15 PM

Smoke + Vortex combo is honestly nooby

Really lame and low skill IMO. just thorw smoke and vortex = guaranteed kills. especially off the revive EDIT: Its the wombo Combo. I think kjhovey created it/named it

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  • Why is it low skill and cheesy? Because it's effective? Because it works? Look... I know you probably didn't consider this, but when the concept of the game your playing has a competitive (as in PvP, not mlg. you tryhards can rub one out of your over inflated sense of self worth on another person) side, and that side consists entirely of killing other characters played by other people, the point here isn't to be fair, it's to kill somebody, either efficiently or inefficiently, without regard to the fairness of the situation. If it was, indeed, fair, there would be a lot more trades and people would see you coming from a mile out no matter what you did, but since we're in the business of playing a game, and we go to the game mode that's [i][b]designed to make you kill other players,[/b][/i] you then lose all fairness, anyway. People complain about anything and everything. Smoke/vortex combo? Too bad. Shouldn't have stood still while it killed you. Here's a pro-tip; KEEP MOVING.

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