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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
1/5/2016 8:18:26 PM

A Very Brief History of The Real Lord Saladin

We all know of Lord Saladin in Destiny. He's the badass Titan lord of the Iron Banner Crucible event whom we all love, fear and respect. However, where did his name come from? There's an article to explain in further detail, but for time's sake, let's quickly look at the real Lord Saladin. known as [i]Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb[/i] or [i]Saladin[/i] as he's more popularly known, he led the Islamic opposition of the Christian Crusaders in the Third Crusade (1189-1192) led by [i]Richard the Lionheart[/i]. He bravely led the Sunnis through battle for 3 long years, trying to keep control of Jerusalem. In the end, Richard and Saladin signed a treaty leaving Jerusalem in Islamic control but allowing Christians to trade and pass through. He's a well respected figure in Middle Eastern culture for his dedication to the Muslim faith and the deeds done to preserve Arabic culture. This is another shining example of the amazing characters and settings of the Destiny universe. Hopefully one day, we can experience the lore in much greater detail without having to leave the game. Continue with your activities Guardians!

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