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Изменено (KneeGrowBOB): 12/31/2015 3:34:29 PM

Ban people who want NERFS

Who else had enough of these whiny self-entitled losers who want every subclass they can't cope with, every gun they can't use/ can't have/ can't deal with NERFED? This is getting ridiculous. Just because you're having a bad day at the crucible doesn't mean an ENTIRE aspect of the game - or a gun that's [i]supposed[/i] to be good - needs to be hard-tuned. Maybe if the staff didn't have their hands full satisfying casuls (yea, I said it) we'd get better releases more often? I'm really frustrated by this community. Edit: I do understand that certain things do need obvious balancing (which may not be so obvious to Bungie until they look at the statistics 2 months later). My concern here is people wanting every little thing they dislike altered. The community is partially to blame for the ever changing meta so might as well keep up with it

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