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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
12/19/2015 8:42:31 AM

shot gun usage tied to shot gun varriants

for a while its seems that only around 15% of shotguns seem to be used and most of these shotguns are high impact variations, the reason for this is because the damage output of a higher impact shotgun out weighs the low impact despite the fire rate differences. but damage is not the reason why most players flock towards higher impact versions the reason is that the shot guns are backwards, think about this. [u]buck shot VS bird shot[/u] - buck shot = hits hard, Drop on distance, and less pellets - bird shot = hits a bit weaker, has quite a bit of distance, many smaller pellets this does not match up with destiny since it works like this - fel winters lie is a[u] LONG[/u] RANGE, [u]HIGH DAMAGE[/u], [u]SLOW [/u]FIRRING shotgun - fourth horseman is a [u]SHORT[/u] RANGE, [u]LOW DAMAGE[/u], [u]FAST[/u] FIRRING shotgun so whats the problem many ask? its simple the shotguns don't fit well in the game with each other. a similar problem comes into play with [u]snipers[/u] high impact VS low impact

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