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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (A Wild Zebra): 12/20/2015 6:39:46 AM

So Omnigul isn't an Ultra.

[url=]But... But...[/url] So I'm pretty salty right now. I just spent an insane amount of time on a Herioc strike. And I found out that Omnigul isn't an Ultra. (She is, but 3oC don't work on her) You've just given people a reason to abandon their fellow Guardians. It's The Dust Palace, but 3x harder, and 20 minutes longer. I've completed 2 nightfalls back-to-back quicker than this strike. Maybe Bungie screwed up again? If you see this DeeJ, or Cozmo, or whoever stumbled upon this post, please do something about this. It's unexceptable.

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