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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (ASAP_Gingersnap): 10/24/2015 1:54:42 AM

How well do you know Destiny?

Comment what difficultly of a question you want. Common-Easy question Uncommon - May take some thought Rare - Understand some lore in the game Legendary - Reads grimoire from time to time Exotic - Reads Grimoire 28/24 I know there was a post exactly like this somewhere. Whoever wrote that post, comment and ill shout you out. Examples: [spoiler]Common: Whats the name of the game?[/spoiler] [spoiler]Uncommon: Whats the full name of the first weapon you get?[/spoiler] [spoiler]Rare: Name the 5 factions in the Tower[/spoiler] [spoiler]Legendary: Who was the creator of Thorn?[/spoiler] [spoiler]Exotic: Name all the members in the original fireteam that raided VoG[/spoiler] Thank you Jamathi, zom b warlord, Chanmaster101, SuperCat, The Last Word, and AvalibleHandle for helping out Edit: Holy Crap guys. You just brought this from the grave. Thanks guys Edit: Almost 200 replies Edit: Over 400 replies today. Thanks guys. Edit: 700 replies! Edit: 1000 REPLIES :D Thank you all somch for testing your knowledge. Edit: 2000 REPLIES :D Edit: This post was inspired by A Cone's and APG UNDEAD's posts.

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