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Изменено (CatMan): 12/18/2015 7:40:45 PM

Killzones OWL vs destinys Ghost





I'm going to troll you xD


I have an ideal in the comments


Killzones owl is more useful than destinys ghost. In destiny 2 I hope the ghost is more utilized for players, especially single players. Maybe for distracting enemy's, or reviving guardians (2x max for single players,1 time for 3 or more players and it only works for the last player standing. And only in pve), could be for going invisible, reaching hard places, hints for pve, ect. Give ghost a life, crack jokes, tell stories about the past, show anger, ect. Right now all they do is open doors, you know what...they....they are keys....keys with a voice right now lol. Aren't they suppose to very important in our missions? Make use gaf about them. Also there should be a female ghost for female guardians (make her funny too). Edit: Also would be cool if our guardians had voices again. Maybe have the guardian asking the ghost questions, have the two have a funny back and forth. What do you think guardians?

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