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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Valkyrie Cain): 12/6/2015 2:49:45 AM

Sparrow racing gear to cost silver?

Why would you fricken tease me with the gear just to be like "lol now go spend more money on it." I really hope there is earnable gear. In total i spent $220 on destiny this far. Hard copy $60 Digital copy $60 (for gf) The dark below for both of us $40 House of wolves (finally able to game share) $20 And taken king $40 Im tired of this rip off spend more money thing you guys do. I was fine with emotes and even sparrows but come on man gear is just pushing it. Stop letting Activision ruin your marketing ideals. Theyre money hounds and you know it.

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