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12/5/2015 8:17:04 PM

Sparrow Racing, screw you bungie!

Wow bungie, just when I thought I never wanted to play your game again you go and announce sparrow racing! Was this so hard to make that you couldn't release this until 2 1/2 years into destiny's lifespan. You've had the maps since day 1 and you can't even use your sparrow in the dreadnought, so you don't even have an excuse. Not to mention this is the last thing your loyal players have wanted/asked for. You could have fixed the currency, or weapon drops, or added a crafting system, or new weapons but you decide to release this. Hell you could have apologized for your shitty refer a friend program and I would have been happy. So thank you for finally making me realize how blindly I followed your company and game, I thought I was going to eat my words with TTK, but I was right all along. Deleting this game will make room for FF14. I hope you learn from your terrible player interactions and actually give us what we want in Destiny 2, if it looks like half the game Destiny is now I won't be coming back. Learn from your community!

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