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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
12/1/2015 9:42:58 AM
Are we supposed to be excited that Bungie is giving us Year 2 exotics which are the same damn things from Year 1? The amount of items should be 4x what it is now. Year 8 and still just 2 pairs of boots per class. Where is all this money going Bungie?? Sure as hell not into improvements and server quality. How many of you lost Good cards in trials just because of discontinuous connection and you know it wasn't on your end? Let one of you kinderguardians try and defend Bungie and I'll slap you across the face with my Chaperone. Get your heads out of your asses you money hungry mother -blam!-ers. More... a lot more, and get on it. Can't wait til someone steps forward and gives the quality game you promised, and you all lose everything. Gfy :-)
#Destiny #robbed

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