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Изменено (Gemix): 12/2/2015 7:04:26 AM

[PS3/PS4] LFG For New and/or Nervous Raiders - Friendly, mature and patient players ONLY

This topic originally was an experiment to prove you don't need anything to raid with a friendly group of people. Other than a LFG topic or post specific to your wants and a little initiative. It was an undeniable success - posing as a new player without any raid experience and lousy gear I got four friend requests within five minutes. Many more afterwards plus all the posts in this topic. Players seem to be using it now as a way to do their first raid in an encouraging, non-intimidating atmosphere. As someone with anxiety that once struggled with the idea of raiding I understand how tough that first step can be. I would consider it an incredible honor if new raiders use this topic to connect with seasoned ones, if it's the place where real and lasting friendships are made. Share your triumphs and failures as a group that can laugh off mistakes. This game in general is fun even played solo; the people you play it with are what make it amazing. Now PS4 as well - what I play on. PSN: gem_ixx

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