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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
11/23/2015 3:36:17 PM

Shotgun Eulogy - An Ode to the Rush

The stampede is too loud to ignore. We do not care for silence. The wind is strong against our faces as we storm your spawn. Don't bother looking for us in the sight lines. We're now beside you... BOOM! We slowly half circle strafe your team... BOOM! BOOM! We vanish. We will return. True shotgun brethren do not hide. We crave seeing the whites of your eyes before the boom. Lord Shaxx thinks he can silence me and my brothers. You cannot silence the boom. We will endure for we had the greatest teacher of them all! For my brethren feeling the weight of those that do not understand us. We must remember the teachings of Master Patches: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!

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