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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (steepergold555): 11/24/2015 12:18:49 PM

A Lot of Destiny Hypocrites

I've noticed that any instance of Destiny in the #Gaming forum is met with massive amounts of flak. People call OP a Desticle and ramble on about how horrendous and overrated Destiny is, yet these same people have countless hours played and 3 level 40s. Really, people? You know who you are. It isn't the fact that people don't want Destiny posts in #Gaming that I'm pointing out, just the hypocrisy of individuals who publicly shame the game then proceed to play it vigorously.

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  • People's opinions change. Most people agree that after they stopped playing destiny, they lost the drive to ever go back and realised how flawed it really is. It's too late to take back those hours played at that point. I will agree however that some people on this subforum are extremely quick to hate on anything that even remotely pertains to Destiny. While I know the game was not great and is praised far more than it should be, I cannot deny that I enjoyed playing it for several months. I was not as consistant in playing it as most others so I did not get burned out on it all too fast. What finally turned me away was a mixture of amazing games being released, as well as the the ever more apparent terrible business practices that surround the game. It's ok to dislike the game, and it's ok to correct others when they post Destiny topics in the wrong subforum. But half of the people here are just as toxic as Destiny players when correcting them. It's quite as knowing that #gaming is no better than #Destiny at times.

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