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Изменено (workALLday024): 11/16/2015 2:38:20 AM

Allergic to snipers?

Lol come on really? They are not op I'm sick of seeing posts like that. They are exactly where they need to be shotguns are very powerful up close, you need to have a long distance power house. Also check your connection it might be lag im pretty sure our guns don't have magic bullets. Knowing the way people trip luck in the chamber is gonna be taken away, its fun as hell to use why is this even an issue? All the cool shit gets trashed cause of the crucibabies... if you aren't using a sniper you are using a shotgun, there is not much else to choose from right now. Chill out stop calling for nerfs and ask for some real fixes, FUSION RIFLE BUFF instant game changer. Look at all our weapons. They need love not hate we're stuck in this meta because of [u]you[/u]. Thanks for reading. P.S.

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