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Завтра Destiny 2 будет временно недоступна в связи с плановым техобслуживанием. Следите за новостями @BungieHelp.


Изменено (RedKain243): 9/2/2015 8:28:50 PM

Matchmaking should be enabled for nightfall now that there is no kick to orbit

When matchmaking was added to the weekly heroic, the reason cited by bungie for not also enabling it for nightfall was that they wanted all teams to be able to try again together in case of an initial failure (maybe someone can find the exact quote for me?). Now that with 2.0 and the taken king there will no longer be a kick to orbit mechanic, this reason is gone. Id like to play nightfall with matchmade teamates every week like i play the weekly. So please give us matchmaaking for nightfall (optional matchmaking would be preferred so that the very small vocal minority who like to solo it wont complain, but Id be fine with required matchmaking too = same system as weekly heroic).

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