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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
11/7/2015 11:18:44 PM

You All Requested Again And Here It Is Again: Solo Crota Using ONLY A GUITAR HERO Controller! fUnderdog and I are back with the next Crota series challenge, as requested by all you lovely, lovely human beings. The Guitar Hero solo! Once again, huge thanks to the well-known fUnderdog for setting up the guitar. He's been putting lots of time into all of these projects. This challenge was actually a little more difficult to control the character because of the awkward angles that the guitar had to be tilted. From previous challenges, the technique had already been figured out; this helped a lot. We do have some future projects ahead of us :) I'll just say this: Some commands controlled by voice are being created! Button mappings: Green fret - jump. Red fret - shoot. Yellow fret - change weapons. Blue fret - reload. Orange fret - melee. Back button - crouch. Start button - sprint. Strum bar - look up/down. Whammy bar - walk forward. Tilt guitar down - look right. Tilt guitar up - look left. Thanks for everyone who supports our work and thanks to all the players who have inspired us. Much love! Shadowfax182 P.S. Credit to ChiefRumpy for the suit idea haha

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