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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
11/5/2015 10:39:52 PM

Raid weapons need slight adjustment

I'm not saying that any particular weapon is stronger then the another, but I've been finding that the raid weapons either completely out-class other weapons of the same type, or are just a shamble of what they could be. Some of them are performing better in scenarios where another weapon of that type would be a death sentence for the user. I'm not asking for a buff, or a nerf, but adjustments. For example, the TTK raid machine gun(can't remember how it is spelled) has a range advantage versus its damage drop off. The raid sniper, I saw a guy wipe a whole team in trials just by abusing the target snaping mechanism (where everytime you pull the ADS trigger/bumper it adjusts, so if you do it rapidly you can go from target to target with out even leaving the ADS HUD.) Granted it does become useless like most snipers once your target gets within a certain range (although some snipers can blow your brains out point blank while ADSing.) And finally we have the raid shotgun, it isn't all that great, sure it can wreck if your targets not paying attention or they just panic, but compared to any other shot gun (like the Conspiracy Theory D or the year two Invective or even The Fourth Horseman) its being completely outshined, I understand that they are preventing us from going back to the time when shotguns ruled all. But the range and impact just aren't there. Also, I know that it is unrelated to the topic, but, I have come to terms with the Sunbreaker subclass, I have discovered a way to take them down before they take you down.

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