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впервые опубликовано в: Just found this is in #feedback. It needs a read.
11/5/2015 2:48:59 PM
Can't please everyone... With that said, I am one that is not pleased by TTK. Due to the new light level I am now forced to use one certain armor set and weapon set, for the most part. I have exotics that don't mean shit, and ones that do that are under leveled and can't move up because of shit drops. Don't get me wrong, I've played the shit out of this game but this new system of farming and nerfs just does not fit my play. So... Destiny and I will part ways for now. I might swing by now and again for a raid with friends, but most of my friends have already moved on. I am so glad BO3 is tonight and that Fallout and Tomb Raider are out Tuesday.

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