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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (BackseatDriver8): 11/3/2015 5:31:36 AM


So I was in a rift match on Black Shield and I was annihilating the enemy team. I was on a 15 kill streak and, naturally, the enemies started to rage quit. Then, because of Destiny's flawless matchmaking, random unfortunate guardians are thrown onto the other team, only to be spawnkilled by my perfectly rolled Year 1 BTRD. I have the scoreboard up to keep track of my killstreak, when I notice than JMPDoubleX is on the other team. JMP is my favorite Destiny Youtuber, but I wasn't about to give up my killstreak to dance with him. I heartlessly spawn killed him 3 times in a row, and he quit. I felt awful. I feel awful. JMP I am sorry this was the match you had to encounter me in. :( TLDR: I was owning in a rift match, other team rage quits and is replaced with unfortunate guardians who I kill as soon as they spawn. JMP joins and I, unwilling to give up my killstreak, spawn trap him. He quits. I made my favorite Destiny Youtuber quit and I feel bad.

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