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Изменено (Ajax 013): 10/25/2015 11:27:29 AM

Constant Weasel since last patch

Ever since the last patch, I've been getting constant weasel, non-stop. No reason, no excuse. I'm constantly booted from raid groups because Destiny is booting me from the game every few minutes. I'm being kicked in orbit, in crucible, in the tower. And while it's happened before, this has intensified tenfold since the last patch. Would you please, kindly, fix your net code/servers/shitty networking capabilities. If I can run a 64 man match of Battlefield 4, a 40 person match in battlefront, a 12 man game in Titanfall and a 4 player coop in halo without any latency issue, but can't stay in orbit by myself without being kicked, don't you think the issue is on your end? Or is that simply inconceivable that this could be broken.

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