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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
10/21/2015 3:25:45 AM

Comprehensive breakdown of everything that was (or should be, soon) fixed within the past year of Destiny

For those of you who seem to miss what actually was the original purpose of this game, even those who were originally on the content creation team and disbanded from Bungie, it seems as though we've all lost quite what we were looking for with this last DLC as time is not an answer to anything other than ripping people off and taking away their right to unlocking weapons. Please excuse the next paragraph or two as those are purely rants from what I have heard from both the new and the old community of Destiny and Bungie as a whole. The new community has been simply discussing and rather frustrated at the amount of time each mission takes. As a year one player, I have grown used to this and this simply is the way of Destiny. For those of you who do not feel the need to spend fifteen minutes of gameplay to finish one mission or bounty then you really probably shouldn't be playing anything as all video games actually require that you spend at least five minutes per multiplayer match and those that have a PvE (or campaign mode) they require at least thirty minutes of gameplay to get to each checkpoint. If you don't believe me, ask almost any player of Destiny or even any MLG player [roughly] ever during their first match of whatever they played. Here comes the old community's viewpoint; the old community is enjoying every new subclass and most of us have found that it is possible to break every new subclass right now [updates on how to actually fix the current glitch for Bungie will be later - I did some debugging yesterday].Anyways, each subclass has been broken at least once already -> you may not agree as the warlock does not actually have a publicly broken subclass, but I can assure you that it is as broken as the titan or hunter subclasses despite my lack of knowledge specifically how I will certainly agree with it being just as broken as the other two. Moving away from The Taken King's new subclasses, the old community has [mostly] become pretty disappointed that Bungie has actually been stuck using the only constant that nobody can actually control (time locks everywhere). As a programmer myself, I'm horribly disappointed that they have time locked everything and update blocked most of these weapons not to be found via exotic engrams - it's the cheesiest way to block content from users and players as time locking most things happens to mean that your code is probably last-minute and in all actuality this simply shows that there is a lack of features within your own application. Yes I know, this now just sounds like complaining from yet another player but simply hear me out for a minute; would you rather have to pay money for a weapon or be stuck waiting for fifteen days or even three months before these weapons unlock? I mean, after all that is what happened prior to TTK's release with the suros arsenal. Moving away from the two quick points of view, the heavily broken subclass - the Hunter's Nightstalker quiver. To narrow it down for Bungie; this glitch works specifically with three different helmets - the main one being Graviton Forfeit, the next quick tip is that you must have to wait until a certain point in the timer before the glitch actually will work, and last step is that the start/pause menu actually is the final step in breaking the super. Graviton forfeit grants you shadestep, which avoids your class from being fixed - shadestep being equipped did actually make it impossible for me to even try this glitch yesterday yet when I switched to the increased radar resolution perk the glitch was then simply time and start menu. I continued through my debugging process and found that the timer could easily be fixed on quiver and the main focus should be between the start menu and the timer when you refuse to shoot the second shot. To those coders out there, it's like they saved the fact that the super was charged, but not in use after a specific point after your super has been used. [i.e. they left out - if(superUsed()) trackSuperProgress();] Now comes the severe breakdown of everything that has happened to Destiny and somethings have actually just grown frustrating: -If you return to an older mission, to make it difficult and harder to run through, if you're above the missions level (i.e. mission requirement is level 11, you're 20 - you drop down to level 10-ish in terms of weapon damage) --> THIS IS ONLY DURING MISSIONS, THIS IS NOT AFFECTED IN RAIDS OR STRIKES -Shotguns are all different range, please just set them all to one range scale instead of this randomly awkward shortened range setup for every shotgun -Weapons like the Ice Breaker and the Hunger of Crota will truly be missed as they did not need a nerf or removal from the game except for in the beginning (Ice Breaker), note of removal: they simply died off because of this 'new' year 2 crap trying to make things "even" between players yet giving every class a broken subclass that was overhyped Side-Note: Sorry for the belated posting this was suppose to happen at like three or four pm pacific but was caught up in doing a raid and playing GTA instead.

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