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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
10/21/2015 12:22:58 AM

An ode to the guardian.

I've just got no time to explain... I mean these really might just be the last words I ever speak. Now I'm not saying don't touch me. In fact I'll teach you my secret handshake. It's my favorite ice breaker. Cause I might just be the next big thing. I'm certainly important, I am the variable. When the world ends, I'll be hereafter. It's the vanity that keeps me going. And yes I've won, I was dealt the Ace of Spades. And they can't find me guilty if there's a hung jury. My footsteps, just treads upon stars. And I'll be looking down with my 1000 yard stare. For I am the 4th horseman. Just don't get shat on by the havoc pigeon. At least not when in Monte Carlo. That doesn't have to be your Destiny. [spoiler]Gjallarhorn...[/spoiler]

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