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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Shaded Evac): 10/19/2015 10:06:50 PM

I Found A Secret!

[url=]The Channel [/url] [url=]The Channel [/url] [url=]The Channel [/url] [url=]The Channel [/url] [url=]The Channel [/url] [url=]The Channel [/url] [url=]The Channel [/url] Hey guys, I made a new youtube channel! I play on xbox one and use my elgato to record my videos. They get recorded always in 740p at 30fps. I used to have a youtube channel that had 300+ subs and I had a bad day and it got hacked. So I decided to make a new one and here it is my brand new channel! Me and my brother run it and we make a lot of destiny videos. We upload mostly on the weekends because we have more time to spend and edit to make them better. [b][I][u]TL:DR Please Subscribe to our new youtube channel it will really help me get motivated to make better videos.[/b]/I]/u] [url=]The Channel [/url]

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