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Изменено (aweblade4): 12/24/2014 1:33:08 AM

Atheon's Epilouge is an Airsoft Gun.





I'm going to start off by saying the only way you are able to kill somebody in PvP with this gun is to hit all headshots, or shoot a player with less than 50 percent help, the glass half full perk does not help in anyway, even in PvE. The kill time is so long on this weapon compared to other rares or even common weapons. I would always find myself getting the drop on me whaling them with bullets and they would always have time to turn around and kill me like nothing happened. Now PvE its the same story, It's not entirely useful on Praetorians or any other enemy with a yellow health bar. The low impact of this weapon won't stagger anybody and it only is suitable for draining shields. I suggest a buff of impact, that way if you think the damage is fine it would at least stagger the weapon more frequently or 2 more damage per shot.

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