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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Stalksch): 10/9/2015 2:50:24 PM

Grimoire - Ode to the Traveller #1

Ode to a Traveller #1 Oryx might be defeated but our troubles are far from over. You do know that, right? You are capable of thought? As another sun sets over you I wonder when this will all end. Will we ever reclaim what was ours, or are we just a dying light among the growing darkness? Why do we fight for you? You brought us the delights of our most golden age, you made our dreams reality, you showed us our wishes and granted them. We lived like kings, or gods. Yet, we have proven have fast gods can fall… You brought us the Darkness, the horrors of that blackness where no light can shine. Did you know it then? As you travelled our fair space, that it pursued you? When we were human, we were born to die. Now, as Guardians, we are born to live, indefinitely. Will you not let us die? What right is it of yours to bring back our dead for your war? Do we not dance like puppets on strings for your games. Will I live forever in this body of mine, this body that had one day breathed its last breath only to find life anew among the Light. Look around, we don’t breathe anymore, we don’t eat or drink or even sleep. All we do is fight. With each revive I seem to lose…[i]something[/i]. A thought, a memory, a part of who I used to be. All I am now is a vessel for your Light. I am a weapon against the Darkness, we all are now. Whether we asked for it. Or not. - The Pensive Guardian

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