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Изменено (CAPT Blood): 10/15/2015 5:09:02 PM

Digital Rights Management Help

Day one Xbox One player here. Enjoy the game; baffled by the lack of story in the game proper but whatever. I typically play at home, on my Xbox One, the same machine that I originally installed my day one copy, year one season pass, and where I purchased TTK. Today, I'm at my in-laws' house where they own an Xbox 360 and a copy of Destiny. Signed in with my gamertag, downloaded 2.0, and I have no access to anything from TTK, TDB, or HoW. Is this an insurmountable problem, or is there some trick of DRM that I need to use to access the content to which I believe I own a license. The attention of Bungie to this issue would be greatly appreciated.

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