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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (BIT5 AND PIECE5): 10/17/2015 12:56:48 PM

Things you trust more than luke smith!

Go! Mine is: Xûr bringing good gear. Also, vanilla rahool. (-blam!- you Rahool. All them damn blues...) Favourites so far: [quote]a bridge made of toilet paper[/quote] [quote]Good loot in destiny[/quote] [quote]A fart after the 20th mile.[/quote] [quote]pinochio. [/quote] [quote]A thief with my wallet... .... ..... Wait a minute.......?!?! ....... They're the same thing.... My bad[/quote] [quote]The Nigerian prince who wants to make me rich[/quote] [quote]Everything[/quote] ^^haha EDIT 1: trending! Again... EDIT 2: 1250+ replies! Good job guys! EDIT 3: Haha! Almost 2000! *looks at other posts* "Ha, You're crushing them!" EDIT 4: Enough condom jokes, please!

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