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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
10/13/2015 11:46:55 PM

Friends, Fireteams and Fun!

Hey guys, I'm new here. I've played Destiny on PS4 a short while and love it. However, I'm not what you'd call a great player haha. I'd love to meet others who feel the same way so that we could benefit from teaming up together to complete each others objectives, whether it be story missions, strikes, raids, patrols etc. It'd be nice to form Fireteams and perhaps a Clan so that we're all comfortable and none of us feel like the weak-link. I'm also open to people who ARE great at Destiny but dont necessarily depend on other great players to play with. Ideally, people ranging between ages 18-35 would be cool, I'm 22 so you know! Well, hit me up if anyone's interested! Thanks.

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