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10/10/2015 8:27:02 AM

Uploading Gameplay Footage from Destiny

Hi Guys, hope you all are well. i just have a quick question. I am part of a small clan called MOJ (Mercenaries of Justice), from South Africa. We are a quite closely knit team with our sheer dedication to Destiny and being the best we can be on the game. Recently, we have been raiding quite a bit as our full fire team, and wanted to find out the procedure of uploading Destiny Game play to a channel which we want to create for our Clan. We are looking at sharing this game play with people around the world, to help and purely to enjoy the different methods of play. We would also like to get some feedback regarding how we can improve and any other inputs from fellow gamers. What I would like to know is, are there any procedures into doing so? Do we require any permissions or special requests to do so? All Guardians Unite!

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