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Завтра Destiny 2 будет временно недоступна в связи с плановым техобслуживанием. Следите за новостями @BungieHelp.


впервые опубликовано в: State of Decay: The Player or the Game?
Изменено (MatrixasISeeFit): 10/11/2015 9:32:58 AM
great post!! I agree 100% with everything you posted. I have never seen a community continually get lied too, disrespected and trolled by company and still have so much community support. How much evidence does the community need to understand Bungie doesn't give a shit about you.They outright told their fans to "throw money at the screen". I don't mind people enjoying and playing Destiny, but when they try to defend Bungie (and Activision) it's just sounds ridiculous. ATVI stock went up almost a dollar since they announced microtransactions. Those corporate sharks can't wait milk the shit out of gamers through Tess. Whoever thinks it will remain only cosmetic is living in La-La land. When has Activision ever left money on the table? Bungie or Activision will never see another dime from me... ever.

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