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10/8/2015 1:02:04 PM

Regarding the Search for the Sleeper

Bungie, you guys have made a real winner with Destiny. I spend hours and hours in your universe, and I love every second of it. I just want to offer something a little constructive, and I may be alone in this opinion... I'm really underwhelmed, not by the Sleeper itself, by the acquisition of the Sleeper. I was really expecting an in-depth community search with multiple facets for its discovery. I'll continue to play Destiny, and enjoy it. I'll tell you what my parents told me when caught me smoking in 11th grade, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed." In the same sense, I expected far FAR more from you... On to the constructive part... In a future expansion, I think it would be fantastic if you threw in a balls to the wall weapon that is somewhat equivalent to the power of Gjallerhorn in vanilla. A special reward for those really hard core fans that spend the hours and hours searching and making sound clips of random sounds they heard in a strike. I may eat these next words some day soon, but it would be far more rewarding to us than discovering a "dunking" room.

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