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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (themisterphenix): 10/7/2015 12:57:20 PM

New Theory Praedyth and Sleeper Simulant tied in?

Notice: This a Theory me and friends talked about this morning.I'm not stating this as a fact.This is a Theory! Since TTK has launched we where introduced to a new evil the Taken.along the way of fighting this new evil we received a 911 call from Praedyth and the Vex. While Doing the Daily Heroic we found lost memory fragments.(When I say we I mean the Destiny Community)In those memory fragment Praedyth tells us the Vex has seen their end.Praedyth also hints at the Vex collective mind as scared.So the Vex freed him to contact the Vanguard to save them.(yes the Vanguard was trying to save Praedyth) I believe this is the beginning of a story arch and quest line to save Praedyth from the Vex.I believe this is building of the Vex DLC that is rumored to come in the next year. How does this tie into the Sleeper Simulant you ask?I believe the Sleeper Simulant will play a big roll in fighting the Vex. We also don't know the rest of the quest line for Sleeper Simulant.We have bits and pieces that where data mined. One item some believe to be part of the Sleeper Simulant quest line is a Vex Artifact.What if we acquire that artifact while rescuing Praedyth?There is also the rumor we have to restore Banshee-44 memories.What if Praedyth is the one who does that? Like I said this is just a theory me and my friends discussed.Remember Bungie said there is a lot of quest and stories in the game that isn't unlocked yet.Isn't it odd a day after most of the Destiny Community found all the memory fragments that the first steps to the Sleeper Simulant becomes unlocked?

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