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10/7/2015 9:07:04 AM

Can someone explain the difficulty system to me?

I had a few months off from Destiny having gotten tired of the same old strikes and not willing to shell out £60 for two short expansions... When TTK was released I decided to bite the bullet and buy the Legendary Edition and get all three expansion packs included. I hadn't been following the news and so wasn't aware of the huge changes to Destiny. I'm currently playing through Dark Below and House of Wolves (stories) and everything is way too easy with no option to increase the difficulty as before... I'm going completely unchallenged and reaping minimal rewards. Am I missing something or is there no way to increase the difficulty to "Normal, Heroic, Impossible" as there was before? I'm currently a level 33 Warlock with 164 Light (this system also seems to have changed since the update). It is kind of ruining it a bit for me that I'm not facing a challenge whilst playing through the expansions... If someone could explain to me what the heck is going on I'd really appreciate it :)

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  • Изменено (ADragonWithin): 10/7/2015 11:27:57 AM
    The expansions were incorporated into the game with the release of TTK, and as such, they begin and go through the low to mid levels of the game for the areas they are available on. The Dark Below missions begin on earth, and so begin at lower level (11, I think?) and the House of Wolves begins when you can get to the Reef, if I remember right. You missed out on the 'challenging' version of the DLCs for 'experienced characters' by waiting until they were incorporated, sadly, and you can increase the difficulties, just not without leveling up your light level in TTK, as the difficulty increase is tied to light level, and if your light level is too low, then it'll say it's impossible. If you want to experience the joy and challenge of the dlc levels at the proper power level, now, your best bet is to create a new character and play through the story that way. As far as the light level thing, it appears (my opinion only) to me that what used to be a -4/+4 level difference is now a -40/+40 light level difference. Things that are 40 or more 'light levels' above you do major damage to you and are immune to your attacks. [Note, I may be off by 10 or so, I think it's 40, but I've not thoroughly tested it]

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