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Изменено (SuiKaKinG): 10/6/2015 8:17:16 AM

No rewards from strikes with multiple Ultras because if you don't get to shoot the last one alive is like you weren't there at all.

As it says. In the missions of the 2 Brothers and the 3 flyers it happens all the time, especially when you are in match making. pretty much everyone I know that plays in destiny has had that problem once. It just happened three times in a row to me and its just absurd. Went to kill one of the ultras myself, by the time i turned around the other had died and I got nothing as a reward....that's just stupid Bungie and you got to fix that. it doesn't matter if you got times more kills than your fireteam, or if you killed two of the three ultras single handily. Its just stupid. Bungie gotta fix that, whats the point of making multiple ultras if you don't address the changes that comes with it. it is simply unprofessional.

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