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Изменено (dragonhunter3294): 10/9/2015 12:37:22 AM


You just have to decrypt it from an engram. I didn't get it from a secret quest and am keeping it selfishly to myself. I got it from one exotic engram. However, I've heard other titans have gotten 9 alpha lupis and still not a Twilight Garrison, so my guess is it's drop rate is screwed up and I'm lucky. Just know it's amazing and I can't wait for my titan bros to experience the amazingness of the evade when the drop rates fixed. EDIT: xVoodooMasterx just got it from an engram drop from Darkblade. I've reports of Nagotelli getting it as well. Maybe the drop rates are changing.

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  • Изменено (Fiji): 10/5/2015 11:57:50 PM
    He got it from a quest, if I had my laptop on right now, and look through all the Quests, I will reveal on how to get it. It's going to take awhile but it's better than being a fgt. If anyone wants to help, go ahead. We will not let this guy be a Special Snowflake anymore. Never more will he be a Snowflake. Because... OP is fgt... OP is always fgt. EDIT: Here's what I have so far: The Last story mission he played is part of a Variks Questline starting with Entropy's Pinnacle to TENEBROUS TUNNELS. So far, looking at most Exotic Quests/FWC Quests are Classified this is all I could get from his recents. Here's what I can say: Find the quest that starts with "Kings Of Decay," it should be a Variks Quest. After that (I'm assuming) you should be able to get Twilight Garrison since most of the Questlines with Variks start at Mars (About 4-5 of them). Was too lazy to say my Assumption was wrong.

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