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10/4/2015 6:22:04 AM

DLC Help! I play on both Xbox One and 360.

So I had purchased the Limited Collectors Edition of Destiny: The Taken King for the Xbox One (it was also only available for the Xbox One and PS4 - Gamestop Exclusive). Until now I have been playing nonstop on the Xbox One. After having the Xbox One for about three weeks, my brother took it back and now I can only play on it sometimes. We own the Xbox 50-50, but it is now in his room and due to my schedule, I can not play it as I would get home after he is already asleep. So now I am basically stuck on the Xbox 360. However, since there was no deal for upgrading the DLC from previous to next generation console (Xbox 360 to One) I do not have it on the Xbox 360. At the time of this I am currently a Light 304, I have beaten the raid multiple times, gone through Fear's Embrace more than I should have one just one character, and have played a lot since the release. I had spent an entire day's time on the Dreadnought just in the first week. I feel that I somewhat deserve the DLC for the 360, as I already have digital rights to all of it on the Xbox One. I do not want to have to spend $40 just to play the content that I am currently in the middle of playing and another $20 to use my Exotic Class Items, Shaders, Emblem and Emotes that I have already equipped and/or unequipped. Is there some way that I can get the DLC for the Xbox 360 on my account. I am the only one in my family that plays the game, and this is only because I can not play on the Xbox One where I currently own the DLC. Plz help DeeJ and Cozmo23... I'll take you through Fear's Embrace... ;)

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