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7/17/2015 5:20:38 AM


Save these weapons.


I don't care.


I can't believe Bungie messed around with things no one asked for, but no, you always have to screw the PVE where its best don't you? Please STOP nerfing things for PVE. You'll never see the AI crying on the forums because it gets killed!

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  • I'm going to offer a dissenting opinion on this particular subject. 1. Gjallarhorn was being used in a way counter to its intented design. Thanks to it being too well designed, it was a more effective single target weapon than an AoE weapon like Rocket Launchers were intended to be. As a consequence, it became a crutch as it requires literally no skill to use and exceeds in breaking its own design. Even with Gjallarhorn left behind as a Year 1 Exotic, Titans can now look forward to obtain its disturbing big brother, a hidden exotic rocket launcher with an unknown name. This yet undiscovered rocket launcher plus the new Taikonaut exotic helm will so drastically dwarf what Gjallarhorn was that I am almost sickened. The only balance to it is the fact that it requires 2 exotic slots to execute, so there is that. The nerf of Wolfpack Rounds effectively did nothing to change anything about Gjallarhorn, as a 33% reduction in an attack that hits 10 or so times for 10% of the initial damage basically meant they removed 2 hits of Wolfpack Rounds per rocket. Even with that, Gjallarhorn is still the most powerful Y1 Rocket Launcher and is likely to return for Year 3. 2. Icebreaker encouraged lazy gameplay. I say this as an avid fan and active user of Icebreaker. Why actually have to prove you are skilled at combat engagement when you can snipe enemies from way beyond their perception range with unlimited ammo? Icebreaker is another example of an Exotic Weapon that was too well designed as it encourages players to actively avoid direct engagements. While I feel it is slighter better designed than Gjallarhorn as it required actual sense to use effectively, the fact that it regenerated ammo so quickly meant that no other sniper rifle could compare. The minor change to the recharge timing was intended to help other sniper rifles stay viable by comparison, which it ultimately still failed to do. 3. Black Hammer was overpowered. Yes, I am actually saying that. Landing 3 Precision Hits required only a minor amount of skill, on par with Icebreaker, but unlike Icebreaker which needed to recharge, Black Hammer could continue to rail enemies endless as long as you kept landing precision hits. In PvE, this isn't that hard to pull off if you're willing to invest a small amount of time practicing how to snipe a moving target. When a Legendary Weapon is more potent than an Exotic, there is going to be trouble, and Black Hammer easily rivaled Icebreaker in every way. Pulling Ammo from your reserve instead of magically giving you free ammo pulls it back down to legendary levels. It still dwarfs every other legendary sniper rifle accessible in Year 1. I don't understand people who cry foul over PvE Balance because I have never had an issue with it. It is presented in a way that you have multiple ways of overcoming the challenges it presents you, yet we as a community always choose to cling to the items that insult our ability to overcome challenges. You shouldn't cling to weapons because they're cheap and insult your ability to figure things out. Just because it is in our nature to resist change doesn't mean we should stay in the past. There is plenty to look forward to in Year 2.

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