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9/23/2015 3:53:50 PM

Driven To Hate (PS4)

Clan managed by two former U.S. Marines looking to immediately fill secondary raid group. This doesn't mean you sit for raids, this means you are in a second group for our clan to raid. Requirements: 289 light or above on at least one character Ability to be on a set raid day Active at least three nights a week Ability to take constructive criticism and listen well Maturity Mic These are just basic requirements that most players meet however, there is a 14 day probation period upon acceptance into the group before you will be accepted to wear the DTH tag. This ensures that everyone has a chance to play with you and leadership has enough time to evaluate your fit into the group. Not everyone makes it but those that do wear the tag with pride. To apply either send a message via the Bungie site or on PSN. My PSN is MURDA-MAKK

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