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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
9/20/2015 4:43:26 AM

This is for anyone still confused

[b]I also posted this in the [i][u]HELP[/u][/i] section[/b] Ok so this is MY help to those who may still be confused about light level and infusing weapons to make them better. If you are still confused it is actually very simple. Light level is now based on an average of all your gear and its light. For example to get your light level add the light of all your gear then divide by how many pieces of gear it is. For a very easy simple example say you have all slots open: 4 Armor, 1 Ghost, 3 Weapons, 1 Class Item and the new Relic slot. That is 10 slots, so if it's all 290 your light level is 290 because thats the average of the light. So say you don't have a relic? Then simply divide by 9: 290 by 9 divided by 9 which would be still 290. So to get your light level add light of all gear and divide by the amount of filled slots. [b]I could be wrong about not having a piece of gear. If so then divide by 10 always. I am not 1000% positive.[/b] Now on to infusing. Same scenario. You take the gear want to infuse(290) and then the higher value gear to infuse with(299). Add them and divide by 2 and there is the new attack value. I am not sure if they round but technically it would be 294.5. And that is also not just for weapons but armor and other items you want to infuse as well. Let me know if you want anything explained more thoroughly. Hope I helped guys!

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