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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
9/20/2015 4:23:43 AM


I've been hearing it from friends, enemies, and community members alike. SUPERS! THEY ARE OP! BUNGIE NERF THEM! Well folks, the truth has arrived. Supers aren't meant to be balanced. They turn you into a lean, mean, killing machine! They break the monotony of gunplay and make the battlefield your bitch! If Bungie listens to the community, we might as well take the name super and replace it with average. "Hit LB+RB to Average" "Hey Guys, let me Average this Boss" "My Average is so Average" "My Girlfriend says I'm Average in Bed." "Don't Forget Guys, Save Your Average" Doesn't sound right does it? Anyone else have some good ones?

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