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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (TMChap): 9/19/2015 8:25:17 AM

Obtained Light level 30 (31) before the date, no quest start, no VIP items - What now?

So I obtained Light level 31 on my Hunter before the closing gate but then when I booted up the taken king I didn't receive any of the VIP items/Quest start. I've tried contacting Bungie Support but it's a back and forth game of "forum here" "twitter there" - I was hoping for a one on one conversation with an actual employee. I'm not one of those "entitled people" who expects stuff to be given to him but when you achieve something before a certain date then it's kinda annoying when it doesn't appear. anyone got a one on one link to a bungie employee? can that even be done? if not it's kind of a crappy customer support feature. Edit - Just noticed on the Year 1 Emblem that it's saying I didn't obtain any chests/achieve level 20 - I can point out every single chest in the game off by heart now - the only things I didn't do were the raids. - PS: if people ask about why the hunter is 10 - it's because I rerolled the other day - the titan was also level 32.

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