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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Hush-kun): 9/17/2015 7:49:01 PM


Um. What. Seriously, did we lose the voice of Arach Jalaal? When I go to Arach Jalaal, there's only dialogue coming from a guy and girl next to the Dead Orbit vendor instead of the man himself. Happens when I exchange materials and buy stuff. What happened to our mysterious Arach who would urge us to go against the wills of the tower and move to new planets beyond earth? No matter what I do, I cannot get him to speak. Is this the same for everyone else? This has to be wrong. This has to be a glitch!!! I went around to other faction vendors (NM and FWC) and couldn't hardly get them to talk either. Why has everyone gone silent? Have they removed these voice actors from any TTK content? Even when you take a patrol for Dead Orbit it's Cayde-6 talking to you, not Arach Jalaal. (I'm on PS4) Peter Stormare is the voice of Dead Orbit. This cannot change!! He was also on the lead actors in Until Dawn: EDIT: An Xbox 360 player says that Arach Jalaal is the same as he's always been. My PS4 friends all say he seems to be bugged. Maybe this is a PS4 glitch? Confirm or respond in the comments, guys! EDIT: Xbone user says Arach talks and is still the same on his system. Could indeed be a PS4-only issue.

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