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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
9/16/2015 6:00:40 PM

Story missions seem to be stuck on "Easy" even though im Level 34?

Could somone please help me! I am level 34 and i have both expensions, i am yet to purchase the taken king. Now im just trying to finish these expansions before i buy it, but when i go to do story missions, it is set to "Easy" and i cannot change it to anything else, the only other option i have is "Impossible" which i cannot select because the light requirements are way too high! Its really frustrating because its ruining these missions and im not getting the rewards i need. Any advise would be appreciated! Cheers

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  • [quote]Could somone please help me! I am level 34 and i have both expensions, i am yet to purchase the taken king. Now im just trying to finish these expansions before i buy it, but when i go to do story missions, it is set to "Easy" and i cannot change it to anything else, the only other option i have is "Impossible" which i cannot select because the light requirements are way too high! Its really frustrating because its ruining these missions and im not getting the rewards i need. Any advise would be appreciated! Cheers[/quote] Bottom line i've just bought the taken king and Bungie Has removed a shit load of content from the last two expansions that i've not long bought.where have all the vanguard strikes went,where's the daily heroic rotation strikes using all the dlc not just ttk and don't hit me with move on i've paid for this i would still like to dive into these strikes what they gonna do next wipe the ttk out in six months.

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