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Изменено (KimLeeMarku): 9/16/2015 12:51:28 AM

I had to download the 17gb update AGAIN...

As in the title i had to miss out on playing with all my friends because i had to download that stupid -blam!-ing update again. WHY was this update not pushed to consoles during the day like the 2.0 update was last week? I sat up pausing and starting the bullshit slow download for 6 -blam!-ing hours while all my friends were enjoying the new TTK. I have a 100mbit connection and it was downloading at under 1mbit. Then it stalled and STOPPED downloading at 17.256gb and went to preparing download (50%) for 10mins then said 8hrs to finish the rest, this is when i went to bed. I know it might be a trivial thing to some people but i was excited and took time off work to get the legendary game and then i got shafted when i finally got to go home and play it. I'm still pissed off a day later.

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