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впервые опубликовано в:Aeon Warriors
Изменено (mikaboom86): 10/9/2016 4:56:43 PM

Aeon Rules

AEON WARRIORS RULES As a member of Aeon Warriors, you must accept and comply with the following rules and code of conduct. Aeon Warriors will: 1. Listen to and respect administrators and clan members. 2. Adhere to xbox live rules (e.g. no cheating, hacking, harassment, discrimination, verbal/message abuse). 3. Be respectful to all player and carry yourself in a mature and dignified manner. 4. Participate and be committed to the clan and help fellow members. 5. Understand and agree that this clan is here for fun and relaxation. Admittance: 1. Nomination by a current member. 2. Participate in activities with clan members and administrators. 3. Once approved, you must set Aeon Warriors as your xbox clan.

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