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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (DarkMythos): 9/13/2015 4:29:26 PM

Thoughts on the New Ghost Voixe

Me: I like it Idiot: He sounds gay Me: How can someone sound gay? Idiot: Well uh... Reasons Anyways, I generally like the new voice. It's not too high, it's not cheerful, it's just the right amount of emotion. The one line that sounds bad now is Dinklebot's one good line: "We've woken the Hive!" I'd like to make another point. You can't sound gay, it's not a logically thing someone would say. Edit: Apparently this post has been marked as "gr8 b8 m8" by the one idiot in the comments... I need a life That's all I have to say. This has been XxXxXxScUbLoRdM69420360NOBLAZESCOPExXxXxX [spoiler]still don't know why this isn't my username yet[/spoiler]

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