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9/8/2015 3:25:32 AM

PS4 clan joinable! Looking for new guardians!

I'm clan leader of "DOPE" Destinys OverPowered Elite and we are looking for new members that want to make a name for themselves in year 1 and year 2! Myself as a clan leader is very stoked to make a new clan and can not wait to meet new the new guardians that share the same passion for this game as I do! I wanted to make a clan that is helpful to anyone in need and that wants to just have fun but at times get serious when we need to! If you want to be apart of this clan that's fine but all you have to do is keep up to the name! Now who is with me on this battle onto year 2?! I also live stream with a couple friends on twitch: "wob81003"

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