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впервые опубликовано в: Favourite Metal Gear or Metal Gear Solid?
9/6/2015 11:44:00 AM
MGS2 is best IMO. It has the best gameplay mechanics in a stealth game to this day. Somehow MGS2 has better a cover system that MGS5. Controls are a little complex but its not hard to learn as some people may make it seem. I've played it more than any other MGS. Didn't really mind that raiden switch as I knew it was going to happen. I didn't know Solid Snake would come back in the cutscenes so that was a nice surprise. MGS3 is good but it's too slow IMO. Alot of the levels are just big grass patches with a few guards.whereas MGS2 is more streamlined interior spaces. MGS5 has a hybrid of these two . Also I didn't think the final boss fight and moments of MGS3 were that good. Bloodborne did the battle in a field of white flowers alot better.

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