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впервые опубликовано в: Elder Cipher weapon choice... HELP!
Изменено (Un1337ninj4): 9/1/2015 11:59:31 PM
Lord: PvE, it's pretty nasty. Not so much so in PvP due to Matador/Party Crasher instantly gibbing unlike the pulses from LoW however. QBB: Great fun in PvP, not all that effective in PvE though, you're better off just using a regular Fusion Rifle. Dreg's Promise: More burst DPS than Vestian at the cost of Sustained DPS. That said it's a fun weapon to use, recommend Perfect Balance for PvP and Field Scout for PvE. If nothing else look at it like this: "Do you have a Solar Shotty?", "Do you have an Arc Sidearm?", and "Do you have an Arc Sniper?".

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