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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (DeusDominus): 9/1/2015 1:24:11 AM

Weaponised Jumpships

As far as I can tell from the trailers the awoken have armed jump ship. [b][i][u]WHY DON'T WE ![/u][/i][/b] Seriously though why don't we have ships that shoot ?! If you want flying things that go pew pew bump comment like and do whatever it takes right here to get this noticed. If they can give [u]nerf herders[/u] what they want then they can give us dog fights and ship patrols ! [b][u]EYES UP GUARDIAN'S[/u][/b] And as always May RNGsus roll ever in your favor.... [b][i]Deus[/i][/b]

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